I’ve finally watched Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna almost two years after its release and the first thing I thought was that why didn’t I watch it earlier . Strangely this is a film that I always wanted to watch but somehow I just couldn’t but I think things happen for good . The film is definitely for a mature audience and I can say that though I would have liked it if I had seen it back then but probably I liked it even more today since I am a bit more mature than what I was two years ago . And I am sure as I would grow old this film might come even more close to my heart . I know there are very few people who would actually agree with me and going by the IMDB ratings of just 5 out of 10 based on some 3000 odd user votes , I am sure I am on the wrong side or probably the right one .
When it comes to relationships there is probably no one better than KJo who shows them on screen and though his films are always type-casted as “Candy-Floss Entertainment” and several other such Media terms but the truth is that his films have always had a good story to tell . So what if his style of story-telling is a bit larger than life .KANK in my opinion is not at all larger than life . What I mean to say is that the basic story of the film is not at all larger than life . It can happen anywhere in this whole world . A “Sexy Sam” might be a bit larger than life but an emotional father who pretends to be happy and live life to the max is not at all larger than life . In similar manner all other characters are very much real and its just that their packaging is a bit glossy which probably makes it feel a bit unreal . But I won’t blame Karan for this , I mean despite the characters being “interesting” the audience didn’t like them . Imagine what would have happened if they would have been very simple and quite boring .
Talking of film , the first half of the film is quite entertaining and is nicely paced . It introduces the characters and their lives in an entertaining way and also shows the nature of the relationships between them .This film is very different from Karan’s prior work and there are no Emotional Dialogues and Melodrama for majority of the film’s part . One thing that struck me in a pleasant way were the dialogues which were quite ordinary and there was no use of a very heavy Vocabulary . I almost felt like I’ve heard such dialogues in daily life . The verbal arguments amongst both the couples were kept pretty short and mature and there was no excessive screaming and “Rona-Dhona” . The film was kept as less dramatised as possible . The first half has some nice comic sequences which provide some nice light hearted entertainment along with some beautiful and rocking numbers . The film strangely comes from Karan who is still a bachelor and he for sure has seen some similar relationships in real life and probably very closely . The way he handled the entire Infidelity issue in a mature way shows that he has got a very close view to similar relations .
The film has almost a perfect cast with every actor very well suiting his/her character . SRK’s portrayal of a frustrated and a bit crazy “Dev” is really worth praising . His craziness though looks a bit nasty but has an element of Honesty all through out which makes it something special .SRK very well enacts a guy who is frustrated because both his Dreams and Relationships are shattered and weak . SRK very well understood the mood of the character and portrayed it in a great way . All other actors were perfect in their roles and even the small kid of SRK and Preity was cute and acted well .
The final part of the film which didn’t quite went down well amongst the majority of audience , in my opinion , is quite apt and is again a mature one . The audience just needs to understand the point of view of Karan on the whole issue of relationships and if one can understand that , I am sure he/she would like the film . This film though got famous because it talked of Infidelity but I think that more than infidelity the film talks more about relationships and how they should be .One can learn so much about relationships from this film .It is quite a modern take on institution of Marraige and Karan puts forth his point very well with no sugarcoating . Strangely when commercial actors do a slightly different and an honest film like this one it is not appreciated at all . Again , Karan was criticised that he always makes family films then why did he make such a film . If you ask me it is still a family film for any family living in a metro . The adult humour is not at all vulgar and if you have a modern family you can certainly watch it together .
The cinematography of the film is also good and New York Life has been shown in a beautiful way . The music of the film adds so much to the film and it is one of the albums that impresses me all throughout . The Dialogues by Niranjan Iyenger as I said earlier were very daily conversation types and that also added to the beauty of the film . The film has a gloomy and depressive feel all throughout in its underbelly and ironically it represents all those relations which look all happy and perfect from outside but have a lot going on beneath the surface . Karan has written a fine story and along with Shibani Bhatija he has done a good job on screenplay too . The film talks about relationship issues which we Indians mostly prefer to discuss only in hush tones . Karan knows how to direct and there is no question about that . His style is a bit different and I think he should not be undermined by classifying him and his films into various various categories .
Overall , its a real nice film and probably Karan’s best work till date . The film needs to be appreciated for its honesty and maturity . I hope Karan feels the same way for his next film as he did for this one and that one is also as honest as this one . The stars also need to be appreciated for standing by Karan to make such a film and they should do more such films .