So it was a big surprise when we atumbled upon popular UK model Keeley Hazell, featured in her official calender, in a turquoise bikini. On a closer look, the aqua bikini that Hazell fills in turned out to be the exact replica of what Aishwarya is seen wearing for the promos in Dhoom 2. Only in this case, Aishwarya’s cleavage is suitably covered to suit Indian sensibilities and she is also wearing a frilly white skirt. Aishwarya has been garnering a lot of attention for her fab new look for the film, and needless to say, the blue bikini has an important role to play in the promos scorching both the big and small screens. The look has been put together by stylist Anahita Shroff Adajania.
“I am a stylist and nor a fashion designer. I can either shop for outfits that help the star to get the right look or I can get them stiched. I got Ash’s outfit from a high fashion brand in Rio, Brazil, where we were shooting for Dhoom 2, The character needed something chic yet with a very calculated casual look, so i thought this was perfect. We are not copying; we just sourced what the chracter demanded. All the clothes in Dhoom 2 have been sourced from various countries from around the world and some have also been made by a few of our Indian designers,” says Adajania. Source: ‘Times Of India’ Image Source:Keelay Hazell