
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rani Mukherji’s small wonder!

One doesn’t get to spot Rani Mukherji very often, but when you do get a chance to catch up with her, it’s sheer delight. She talks nineteen yo the dozen, spinning amusing stories about her films, friends and experiences. Of course, her favourite topic is her little niece Myeisha. Very animatedly she tells DT, “My schedule for the day is somewhat fixed. I wake up early; go for my workout play with the baby for a while, get ready and then I am off for my shoots. After work, I come home directly, play with her as long as she is awake. Then I have my dinner and hit the bed. That’s it. My life revolves around my shooting schedules and Myeisha’s daily routines,” says Rani Mukherji.


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