
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nancy ajram biography

Nationality: Lebanese
Place of Birth: Lebanon
Date of Birth: 16th of May, 1983
Parents: Nabil and Rimonda Ajram
Age: 21 years
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 168cm
Weight: 50kg
Hair color: Brown / Red
Eyes: Blue
Education: Radio - TV
Nancy's Favorite
Hobbies: Cooking & swimming
Places to be: Italy & Turkey
Song: Nadeyt (Abass Ibrahim)
Singer: Fadel Chaker
Movie: Khali balak min Zouzou
Actor: Majida & Julia Roberts
Color: Blue
Food: Loubieh w riz
Book: Savoir vivre
Pet: Puppy
Candy: Cote d'or
Drink: Avocado juice
Season: Spring
Perfume: Poison (Christian Dior)
Possession: My home
What does she hate? Lying
What does she like? Liberty
Cartoon as a child: Tom & Jerry
Person to work with: Gigi Lamara
Aspect of her personality: Sense of humor
Childhood memory: Answering the history
teacher with a song
Person she most admires: Her mother
What makes her laugh? Imitating me
What makes her cry? When someone needs something and can't have it
What does she like in men? Smart, generous, strong willed
What does she hate in men? Penny pinching, weak willed
First thing she notices in a man: Shoes and watch


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